83% of moms do online research after seeing TV commercials for products that interest them.

Source: Google’s Winning the Zero Moment of Truth 2011

84% of shoppers said that ZMOT* shapes their decisions. It’s now just as important as stimulus and FMOT^ in moving consumers from undecided to decided.

*ZMOT stands for Zero Moment of Truth. This is when your potential customers are doing research about buying your product.

^FMOT stands for First Moment of Truth. This is when consumers are standing in front of the product, actually looking at it.

Source: Google’s Winning the Zero Moment of Truth 2011

What do car shoppers learn through search engines? It turns out that 64% say they look for price, 44% say vehicle performance and 37% say styling. Many were asking those questions four months before they bought their car.

Source: Google’s Winning the Zero Moment of Truth 2011

62% of shoppers say they search for deals online before at least half of their shopping trips, according to that same article.

Source: Google’s Winning the Zero Moment of Truth 2011

37% of shoppers find online social sources to be an influential driver when making decisions.

Source: Google’s Winning the Zero Moment of Truth 2011

We know that 60% of our U.S. store sales are influenced by our customers’ experience on BestBuy.com. ~Brian Dunn, the CEO of Best Buy

Source: Google’s Winning the Zero Moment of Truth 2011